A Brief History on Potteryanchient

Pottery is our oldest handicraft. In prehistoric times, most likely water was carried in woven baskets lined with river clay. After the water was poured out of the container the layer of clay dried. The loss of moisture caused the shape to shrink and separate from the sides of the basket. When the clay, now shaped like a pot, was removed, and dried in the sun on hot sand, it retained the basket pattern. Early men and women then discovered that they could harden the molded pottery in hot ashes and make sturdy containers to transport and store foodstuffs. From these would have been extended the pots formed by hand and decorated with crude tools.

From a very early date in history, some say at least 400 B. C., earthenware pottery was produced on a mass scale by a potter's wheel in many parts of the world.

potsMore on the history of pottery.

What Sparked My Interest

I took my first ceramics course my junior year in high school. I needed to take an elective class and thought ceramics would be fun, especially since a boy I had a crush on was taking it as well! I really enjoyed the course so I went back for another term my senior year. And that's when I really began to hone my skills. I learned how to throw and practiced advanced glazing techniques.

After High School

I continued to seak out pottery where ever I could. With no access to a kiln it was rather hard to continue my hobby. Soon I discovered the Benton Center Studio in Corvallis, Oregon.

I've taken several class there, Tile & Raku, Clay Exploration and Ceramics 1, to name a few. It was in the Ceramics 1 class where I was challenged awardwith the assignment of sculpting an object not normally made from clay and it had to be at least 5 lbs. I decided to sculpt one of my dad's work boots. It was the most detailed piece I have ever attempted. Needless to say it was a success and it sits proudly in my living room next to the tall splatter vase I made in high school. I hope to continue making pottery as a hobby once I have room to have a kiln.

Visit my facebook page to see more of what I've done. Feel free to email me if you're interested in purchasing one of my creations. www.facebook.com/SisterLister1