
Gardening for Beginners

This page was put together to help those who want to get their garden started quickly and with ease. Gardening is a way to bring fresh fruits, veggies, and flowers into your home daily. Gardening has been proven to reduce stress and depression, lower the grocery bill, icrease self-satisfaction, and also increase your property value. You can enjoy this leisurely pass time solo or involve the whole family. Within this site you will find tips for getting started, growing in raised beds, poisonous plants, and local resources.kdg

kd1Getting your children involved is a great way to teach them about responsibility, nutrition, and creativity. You can make your child their own small garden to include their favorite fruits, veggies, herbs, and spices to make their favorite meals; getting them excited about out helping and learning in the kitchen.


Growing your own fruits, veggies, herbs, and spices ensures your family is getting safe, fresh food to eat that is free from pesticides and

Starting your own garden will have a positive effect on the environment. Plants act as highly effective air cleaners, absorbing carbon dioxide, plua many air pollutants, while releasing clean vegoxygen and fragrances. Besides being good for the environment gardens have environmentalgains for us. It has been proven that effective, environmental landscape design can cool your home in summer and warm it in winter. Energy effecient landscaping can actually reduce your energy costs by up to 20 percent.

We love to hear from our surfers, please feel free to email with question, tips, or fun ideas to add to the page.

Let's get gardening!
