My Bio

Portal 2 poster

Hi, my name is Jon Klapprott. I have always enjoyed playing, on or working, on computers and had taken interesnt enough for my uncle to give me an old junky laptop on Christmas 2008 when I was 9. Since then I have alwasy like fiddling with computers, ( I was super excited to find out that you could change the taskbar's color to silver in Windows XP and was offered from my uncle to learn how to make my own webpage). Around that time, my local community collage were offering classes for kids for all kinds of subjects, I then decided to take a HTML class as I had learned a bit of it earlyer. Since then, I have created a few other webpages and have taken a web design class at another community collage in California. I moved to Oregon around this time last year and started taking classes at LBCC last spring. I am currently working to get a degree in Web-Database technolog. I play Counterstrike (offline with bots, my internet is too slow to play with others.) Super Smash Bros, and Minecraft.

Some different websites I like

Counterstrike Super Smash Bros Reddit Minecraft